Staying Informed about COVID-19

It is important to be able to stay informed without allowing yourself to become overwhelmed by the news, media, and sources that may report misinformation.  We recommend checking reputable sources for updates once or twice a day (and limiting the time you spend looking at these sites to 30-45 minutes).  A few sources that we recommend are listed below:

  • The World Health Organization - The WHO helps you to stay up-to-date on COVID-19 news and changes throughout the world. Resources can be found in multiple languages.

  • The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) - The CDC provides recommendations to healthcare providers, community leaders, and individuals regarding COVID-19. Resources can be found in multiple languages.

  • The Illinois Department of Public Health - The IDPH provides recommendations and up-to-date information on COVID-19 developments in Illinois. You can find the latest information regarding executive orders on this site, and the Govenor’’s office provides a daily update at 2:30 pm at this site.

  • The City of Chicago Coronavirus Response Center - This site provides excellent information for Chicagoans, including information pertaining to things such as rent, housing, ways to volunteer, city ordinances and closures, CPS changes/guidelines, etc.)

Hillary Wildt